
The Barrie RoadRunners

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Huronia Half Marathon

On a beautiful day in Midland a number of our group took on the challenging Huronia Half Marathon. The Barrie RoadRunners were well represented and did well. In 3rd place (1st in his age group) was Kevin O'Neill in 1:26, in 4th place (2nd in his age group) was Keith Lascelles in 1:28. Eric Jackson was 6th (1:31). Roger Ison was 1st in his age group (1:37) and a good run was had by Ron Leigh (1:40). Eric's daughter Jennifer won the 2k(8:33), followed by Sophie & Brendan Kavanagh.

More info to come...

Friday, April 27, 2007


Ok, so here we are on the initial Barrie RoadRunners blog. Please feel welcome to comment and send me anything you may want posted.
We will use this blog to pass on info about races coming and races past. Personal experiences, comments, reviews, and whatever else you may want to discuss. I you have pictures that are related to our club, we can post them here.
As a first order of business we are trying to create a logo. We've tried a few ideas that incorporate both a road runner and a mapleleaf or Canadian flag, but haven't come up with a design that makes everyone happy. One thing to keep in mind is the road runner cannot be a copy of the Cartoon bird from the "Coyote & Road Runner". So be creative and lets see what we come up with.

First news:
Last week saw a number of our group travel to Boston and complete the Boston Marathon. A good time was had by all and good times were registerred by all.

Kevin O'Neill - 3:01
Krista Bolyea - 3:19
Keith Lascelles - 3:22
Brendan Kavanagh - 3:25
Roger Ison - 3:37
Ron Leigh - 3:41
Chris Dixon - 3:42
Donnie Ellis - 4:01
Linda James - 4:07

A Special thanks to the great supporters who were at Heartbreak hill to cheer us on.

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