
The Barrie RoadRunners

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Another Running Club?

It seems Barrie has gone from having no running clubs (not including store based clubs), to having 2 clubs now. As well as the RoadRunners we also have the Barrie Harriers. As I have read on the Harriers Facebook website there is a suggestion for both clubs to merge. I think this is a good idea as we don't want 2 clubs competing with each other for members etc. There are already a number of people on both clubs. Any suggestions????

1 comment:

  1. What a great start to a Barrie running club, to have so many runners involved at the mere conception of the idea.

    I would think that one club makes more sense instead of two separate ones, so long as the website maintenance doesn't become too much work for the host/organiser. We all know how precious our time is and on that note, thanks for your efforts so far, Keith.

    Having a common racing shirt/singlet would be neat, especially for bigger events and international travel, although we will probably look like a swarm of flies as we all run the Barrie 5/10km on Canada day :) As for the identity of a proposed joint venture, I am easy either way, although the roadrunner dude does grow on you.


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