
The Barrie RoadRunners

Friday, September 23, 2011


Short Version:

I ran around and around and around and around and then I walked a little

Then I did it some more

And some more

And some more….

Long Version:

Back in January, some lunatics on RWOL forum brought up doing this 24hr event in Cleveland Ohio on Sept 17/18th. Seeing some of the awesome people doing this, I thought this was an opportunity I couldn’t miss. So I registered.

Lots of sharing ideas, tips and strategies in both the forum and FB

Training went well for the most part, several ultras and marathons, including some back to backs. Multiple races. Night runs, and lots of long runs.

One setback, after a couple of days off for recovery from one event, came down with a flu like bug, that kept me from running for two weeks, leaving two weeks to finish preparing for this race.

Finally after much anticipation, I headed for Ohio. Most of my gear was packed Thursday night and Friday I packed the last and hit the road at 7am. An uneventful drive, with a few pit stops and no troubles at the border, I arrived at my hotel around 2pm.

Met a few of the runners at the hotel as we headed out for an FE at the park where the race would take place.

I decided to make it easy for everyone to recognize me and dressed exactly as my avatar on the forum/FB.

Proving that straightjackets do come in tech fabric.

It was great, pizza and lots of snacks and a lot of new friends.

But we kept it to a reasonable hour, with the big race in the morning.

I managed 8hrs sleep Friday night and got up with plenty of time to get ready and eat my usual breakfast of Chicken Fried Rice.

7:30 we headed for the race site, which was only 5 minutes away, and dropped our gear at the RWBF encampment.

Picked up our swag, bib and chip and spent the next while getting ready and meeting the rest of our group, runners and crew, who couldn’t make it out Friday night.

Finally race time rolls around, we have the runners meeting, Susan, one of our group, sings the National Anthem, we line up and we’re off at 9am.

Some of the group head out fast, some decide to walk the first lap, I go out running at a moderate pace. I do the first loop in my straight jacket just for fun, and drop it as I pass through our aid station, just into the 2nd loop, running in my RunningFree short sleeve shirt and compression shorts.

There had been lots of talk about strategies, 4 and 1s, run two loops walk one, etc. I go a little more aggressively, run 5 miles, walk .25 miles. As I passed through our aid station just before the walk, I would grab one of my handhelds from my cooler for the walk break. I had two handhelds, one for Gatorade and one for Perpetuem. Which I alternated each break. After the first time through I would alert the crew to which handheld I wanted, a lap before, and they would have it ready the next time I came by.

In addition, every 3 hours I would walk a full loop, eating an energy bar from my cooler and drinking from my handheld, having grabbed those as I passed through.

The crew were great at refilling my handhelds from 2 liter jugs from my cooler. They were quite apologetic for having taken them from the cooler so that they could thaw out and be poured. They were still frozen from Friday morning. Of course it was nice having cold drinks as the day warmed up.

As it warmed up, I did a quick change to my RunningFree singlet and started drinking more from both the official aid station and ours. Also ate pretzels and later pizza (during a walk break) from our aid station.

Let it be noted when I say that it warmed up, I am referring to everywhere but the north side of the loop, where the wind off the lake kept it cool, almost cold.

At 8 hours in I made a planned sock and shoe change, no issues with the previous shoes, just wanted to change it up for the feet.

At 8.5 hrs swapped my Garmin for my ironman watch as I was getting a steady low battery warning. Forgot to turn off the Garmin and it ran for another 5 hours telling me I went absolutely nowhere (don’t think it would have lasted 5 hrs if it was still tracking laps).

As it got dark, I made a clothing change, switched to my RunningFree long sleeve shirt, compression briefs, knee high compression socks and light weight long pants. Also grabbed my knuckle lights for illumination. After a bit I only ran with the one knuckle light rather than the pair, as one provided enough light and it saved on batteries. I ran down both lights during the night, as well as one extra set of batteries.

For the first 15 hours I followed the same strategy of running and fuelling with energy bars, and the odd piece of pizza. At about his point I developed some discomfort in my left shin. As I had a scheduled shoe change at 16hrs, I decided to tough it out and leave it until then, but did increase my walk breaks to .25 miles every 3 miles. Mistake. Should have changed my shoes then.

As I did the shoe change at 16 hours my left ankle ballooned up as soon as I pulled the shoe off. Don’t know if changing the shoe an hour earlier would have prevented this, but it might have been a factor. Pulled on another pair of knee high compression socks, tied the left shoe up loosely, grabbed my RunningFree jacket and headed back out.

Now with the ankle swollen I had to adjust my running plan. For the rest of the night I would walk about two loops and run about three. Starting the walk break from our aid station and restarting the running from just past the hill as we turned onto the north loop just beyond our aid station. Sometimes on the first run loop I would also walk from the porta potties at half way to the top of the incline as we turned onto the south side. (The shin did not bother me after the first extended walk break).

During these longer walk breaks I also fuelled more, lots of potato soup and noodles from the main aid station. But his was more from a desire to get something warm into me, rather than a fuelling requirement. As the night progressed it got pretty chilly, but it was such a contradiction. As I travelled into the wind, especially on the walking loops, on the north side, I would tell myself, as soon as I hit our aid station, “I’m grabbing my heavier jacket and maybe my gloves”. But as soon as I travelled down the south side, especially while running, I was loosening off my jacket and thinking don’t stop for the heavier gear. As the south side lead into our aid station this thinking won out every time.

Contrary to popular belief, I did sleep. During three or four of my walking loops on the north side, I would doze off until I walked off the trail. Too many curves in the trail to get a good sleep, the trail I trained on at home is straighter (the group thought I was joking when I posted on FB that I would sleep while running).

Finally with about a half hour to go, I dumped my jacket and I was determined to run through until the end. With the brightening morning and the return of many to the trails, I continued to pick up the pace. As I passed through loop 101 I was given my block to mark my stop to carry. As I passed through the main aid station I grabbed a quick cup of water, while still moving. The aid station worker asked if I wanted coffee the next time around. I said “hell no, I’ll still be running”. I passed through loop 102 with 8:56 remaining on the clock and determination to get as far around as possible. I continued to pass runners as I travelled around and as I ran down the south side I heard the 1 min countdown begin. I opened it up as much as I could, rounded the corner onto the final stretch and was 30ft from the finish when time ran out. I had managed the last loop in 10m/m pace after almost 24hrs, 92 miles and on a bum ankle and I felt good.

I finished with a total of 92.72 miles. 54th out of 186 (I lapped the guy in front of me in the standings on that last loop).

My goals had been: to break 100 miles; and although I came up short, I’m quite happy with the results, as I know if the ankle hadn’t swollen up I would have made that easily.

And to keep moving for the full 24hrs (minus, of course, the planned pit stops to change clothes and shoes). Which I accomplished.

I never had any doubts about doing this. Felt strong the whole time, no emotional swings, just a bit of frustration with my ankle.

Lessons learned:

I need to do other exercises than just running (ankle strengthening comes to mind).

Shouldn’t have gone out as aggressively. Shorter runs and longer walks to begin with.

That the RWBF runners, many of who I took time to run or walk with, are the coolest and great friends.

The Crew deserve an incredible amount of thanks for helping me and all the others get through this. They are the best. Some great friendships here too.

There was a lot of craziness out there this weekend. I had brought an extra straightjacket for the craziest in our group. I wish I could have brought straightjackets for all of them, they’re all a bunch of loonies.

One good thing with the conservative last 8 hours, was a quick recovery. After dealing with a few blisters and wearing a tensor for ankle support/protection I was able to get back out running on Tuesday. Looking good for my next 50k.

Pictures from the event:

Monday, September 19, 2011

A weekend of Racing

It seems the fall racing season has started and there were some impressive results on the weekend. Brendan Kavanagh came 13th in the Run for the Grapes Half Marathon in St. Catharines in a very quick 1:21, followed shortly after by Darren Collins.In Cleveland, Ohio Chris Battaglia competed in the North Coast 24 hour event and completed 92 miles, blowing away all his distance milestones in one day. Congrats Chris on a great job.In Dayton, Ohio the Tuttles, the MacLeaniacs and Erin Barrie ran in the Airforce Marathon and half. Cindie Tuttle was our lone rep in the Half and ran it in 2:50,Erin Barrie finished the Full in 3:46, Jim Tuttle in 3:44, Angie Tuttle in 5:26, Rick MacLean in 3:46 and Tracy in 5:55.Well done everyone.

Monday, September 5, 2011

ENDURrun +

There are a lot of crazy runners in Ontario. In fact we have our own event. It’s called the ENDURrun.

The ENDURrun is 7 races in 8 days, covering 160km (99.4miles).

I, being a complete lunatic, decided I would also throw in a 6hr trail race, the day before the ENDURrun started.

So Friday night I have my usual wieners and beans and head to bed at a reasonable hour. Only to be hit with sinus congestion from a head cold I had been trying to fight off. This resulted in the worst night’s sleep I have ever had before a race. Finally out of bed and had some Chicken Fried Rice for breakfast and off to the race.

Race #1: Aug 6th, The Dirty Girls 6hr Trail Run. This takes place at Mansfield Outdoor Center. I have run here before and it’s a tough course. The route I’m running this day is different than my previous race here. Today’s race consists of 10k loops, with 6hr cutoffs at 2.1, 5 and 7.5k.

Swag for this race is nice, instead of a shirt we get sleeves. One with the super Dirty Girls logo and the other with, for the ladies: “dirty girl” and for the guys: “I did the dirty girls”.

8am and we’re off. I’ve taken sinus and allergy medication and breathing is good. I didn’t bother carrying water on the first loop as I thought the aid stations would be more frequent, approx. every 2.5k. But they ended up only having aid stations at 5k and the start/finish. It was getting warm and humid by the end of the first loop, so I grabbed my water belt and some partially frozen bottles from my cooler and headed into loop two. I was giving Perpetuem a try during a race for the first time. I had used it once during training and found it not very thirst quenching. This time I used the maximum recommended amount of water. So I’m carrying one 8oz bottle of Perpetuem and another of water. 2nd loop is a little slower as I’m feeling the humidity, hills and lack of sleep. I started eating pretzels at the aid stations half way through this loop. Still on track to meet my goal though. Started the third loop be switching out my two empty bottles for two fresh frozen ones. I’m going through them a little faster now too, although I still have a little ice in the water bottle at the 5k aid station, where I top it up. Slower again this loop and finish with enough time to meet my minimum goal, if I don’t fade any further. Two fresh bottles and out for the fourth loop. Still struggling and thirsty, could be the Perpetuem. At the 5k aid station I realize I won’t meet my minimum goal (besides the next 2.1 cutoff is short of my actual minimum goal), I decide to dial it back a little and save some for the rest of the week. I finish the fourth loop in 5:53:00 and call it a day at 40k.

I receive my Dirty Girls super medal, have a burger, visit briefly with a few running friends and head out to Waterloo Ontario for the ENDURrun.

The ENDURrun consists of an Ultimate Event, consisting of 7 runs/stages. Patterning itself as a Tour de France of running. The first stage is a Half Marathon on the Sunday. This gives you your placing for stage 2, a 15k time trial. Stage 3 is a 30k Trail Run. Stage 4 is a 10 mile hill run. Stage 5 a 25.6k alpine cross country run. Stage 6 a 10k time trial and finishes with stage 7 a marathon. The male and female leader after each stage wears a yellow singlet. The male and female runners with the best combined time for stages 4 and 5 are awarded as King of the Hill and the male and female runners with the best combined times for stages 2 and 6 are awarded as Speed Kings at the end of the event. The ENDURrun also has a sport event consisting of the last three stages. A relay event , where teams of 2 to 7 compete through the 7 stages. As well there are limited entries for guest runners for each stage, where individuals can run various stages throughout the week.

The ENDURrun starts with an event meeting on Saturday night for all the ultimate runners, where we do a meet and greet as well as discuss some of the event details. Here we pick up our race swag, have light refreshments and receive an open invitation to use the pool and hot tub at the RD’s house, where this meeting takes place, throughout the event.

Stage 1: Aug 7th, the Half Marathon. 8am Sunday morning, a two loop course starts off pretty good but I just can’t get my quads to loosen up after the hilly trail race on Saturday. A couple of nasty little hills on the course, but I get through them okay. Pass a couple of runners in the last loop, without getting passed myself. Still ended up finishing almost 15 min slower than I wanted in 2:13. Lots of great food after burgers, tacos, fajitas’, salads, veggies, fruit and fresh made smoothies. Took advantage of the available massage and had them work on my quads.

2:12:55. 21st out of 22 Male Ultimates, 27th out of 29 overall

Stage 2: Aug 8th, the 15k Time Trial. 8am Monday morning a one loop course with a tough uphill for 1/2k at 1.5k, with a corresponding downhill at 8k. A few rollers throughout the course, as well as a mix of terrain, mostly road, but some paved and gravel paths, grass and chip trails. We start off in the reverse order of our stage 1 finish, slowest first, followed at 1 minute intervals by the next runner. I start 4th. I feel good and catch and pass the runners in front of me and at 2k I am in the lead. Unaware where any of the runners behind me are, I keep pushing the pace. Finally on a small out and back stretch, I see where my pursuers are. I get some good stretches for running and start pushing harder. I cross the finish line first, having held off all the faster runners, although many closed the gap. More good food, substituting rolls and cold cuts for the hot food. After a massage for my quads and right hamstring which was bothering me from the pace and camber of the roads. Then over to one of the crews house for a pool party.

1:25:48. 18th out of 21 males, 23rd out of 28 overall.

Stage 3: Aug 9th, the 30k Trail Run. 8am Tuesday morning, a 6 loop 5k course, on a rainy day. Aid station at 2.5k and start finish. I was going to give the Perpetuem another try at 10 and 20k. Started off pretty good and the first two loops went pretty well, although my left hamstring which I neglected to have massaged on Monday started complaining. On the third loop I walked the biggest hill for the first time. Fourth loop started the same but I found myself having to walk the 2nd biggest hill as well. I was also having difficulty recovering my breath after this hill, partially due to the rain sodden heavy air. On the 5th loop, more of the same. I also walked one flat stretch for a minute or two, keeping company encouraging one of the other runners struggling badly. Managed to pick up a little in the 6th loop and finished in 3:35. More good food, a massage for both quads and hammies. Stuck around until the badly struggling runner finished. And of course at this point the rain finally stopped.

3:36:20. 20th out of 21 males. 26th out of 28 overall.

Stage 4: Aug 10th, the 10 mile hill run. This race is scheduled for 6pm on Wednesday night to allow a little recovery from yesterday’s trail race. This race is an out and back that takes place on Wilmot Line, home of Horror Hill.

Legs feel the best they have all week, although I do get a small twinge in my left hammie as we start off, but it quickly passes. I start off with one of the younger runners and we push the pace for first couple of k. Finally he loses me at horror hill as I have to walk it. I do manage to “run” all the other hills. Although pathetically slow and am passed by several runners. However I have great strength on the downhills and pass all but one of the runners who passed me as well as a few others. I manage to make up enough ground on the downs, that I can hold off the other runners on the final uphill. Massage again for quads and hammies. A BBQ after leading into a rest day on Thursday.

1:29:26. 17th out of 21 males. 21st out of 28

Thursday I meet with some of the group for lunch and beer, although I passed on the beer float. Hot tub and pool and generally relaxed.

Stage 5: Aug 12th, 25.6 alpine cross country run. 8 am Friday, a 5 loop 5.12k course at a local man made ski hill. We start out in the chalet parking lot, quickly transition into some grass running followed by some mountainbike trail. This leads us to our first climb, up a dirt access road on the back of one of the ski hills. This road is deceiving, as just as you think you’re nearing the top it rounds a bend and more up, twice. Across the top of the hill and into a small loop of more mountain bike trail on the backside pf the hill. Back up and the first major decent. Straight down the ski slope. Across the bottom and then straight up another ski slope. Straight down another ski slope and then back up on a mountain bike trail that wraps around the end of the hill. Probably the easiest ascent , but definitely tougher as the day progressed. Finally straight down a last ski slope and into the loop finish. To do it again 4 more times.

Despite the early start it was getting quite warm as the day progressed, especially on the open ski slopes. At the end of the third loop I grabbed my sponge bandana from my cooler and draped it around my neck. It certainly helped especially on the uphill ski slope, where I would wring it out over my head. Then I would dip it in a sponge bucket at the aid stations. Still struggled on the uphills and was flying the downhills. Massage for the quads and hammies after then up to the RD’s for hot tub and pool.

3:23:46. 16th out of 21 males. 20th out of 28

Stage 6: Aug 13th, 10 k time trial. 8am on Saturday on our only point to point race. A couple of small rollers but a net downhill run. This is the most popular race and gets the most guest runners. Based on our accumulated time, and the projected times from the guests, we again start slowest first. As I also had a couple of good hill runs I’m starting further back this time. It’s also strategy time. My closest rival is about 6 min behind. Do you go all out to try to widen the gap or do you save some for the marathon tomorrow. I start the first 5k hard and pass my rival in 3k (he is having gi troubles allowing me to catch him quicker). After pushing the first 5k and widening the gap, as well as passing several other runners. I dial it back for the next 3k. 2k to go and I try to pick it up again, but the legs are getting fatigued. I don’t catch a few runners in front and with half a k to go I get passed by one of the faster runners. I pick it up for the last half k but can’t catch him. This probably is a mistake leading into the marathon. Although I did gain another 4 min on my rival. This race ends at the RD’s house, where we’re served brunch, get our massages and some people use the hot tub and pool. Later that night we return to the RD’s house for a wrap up BBQ and use the hot tub and pool once again.

52:50. 19th out of 21 males. 24th out of 28 overall.

Stage 7: Aug 14th, the marathon. 7:30 Sunday Morning (although 6 runners, including my rival, opt for a 7 am start). A 2 loop course. Race starts and right off the bat I know I’m in trouble. Left hammie is aching and doesn’t want to loosen up, plus just general fatigue in the legs. I know I can finish, so I just have to keep on moving. Frequent aid stations and I’ve stashed frozen bottles of Perpetuem at a couple of them. I finished the first half only a couple of minutes faster than my half to start the week. I cross the lines with my hands in the air as if I’ve just completed the marathon, telling the race photographer to get my finish picture now as it won’t be pretty at the end of the second loop. 2nd loop is more of the same except warmer, so drinking lots more and getting slower. Finally round the corner to the finish with 100 meters to go and see that I have a chance to beat 4:30, so I give whatever I have left and cross the line at exactly 4:30.

Rehydrated, got my massage and enjoyed one last good meal. Congratulated all the other runners. Today we had our first drop out, a runner who’s knee went in the first half and dropped from the series at the end of the first loop. Hopefully a quick recovery and he tries again next year. My rival finished in 4:31 so I maintained my lead/placing.

4:30:00. 19 out of 20 males. 24 out of 27 overall.

There are also 4 videos here:

With more to come

ENDURrun Overall, 160k 17:31:35. 19th out of 20 males. 24 out of 27 overall.

The awards ceremony was done and a couple of us headed back to the RD’s house for one last soak in the hot tub and pool before our drive home.

Monday, I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. As the cold I was fighting at the beginning of the week has returned.

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