
The Barrie RoadRunners

Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Santa Shots

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa Jingle 5k

A great time had by all 50 runners from the Barrie RoadRunners amongst the 2400 Santas on hand for the 3rd annual Santa Jingle 5k in Burlington. Hilights included Darren Collins 9th overall and 1st in his age group and Gayle Blackburn winning her age group.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Robbie Burns Road Race is 80% sold out

From the Burlington Runners Web site:

80% Sold Out - We Will Reach Our Cap Shortly
If you have already registered... Thank You! Last-minute details will be set to you in January.
For those that haven't registered yet, we expect to reach our cap in the next couple of week. A Wait List will be created as soon as we reach the Cap.
To register on-line click here. $3 on-line processing fee applies.
To register by mail, Download the race brochure here and mail it with your cheque to: Robbie Burns Race, 18-2229 Walkers Line, Burlington, ON L7M 4X4 (no post-date cheques please. It's a large file so please be patient.
To register in person - Download the race brochure here and drop it off at Foot Tools, 2013 James St, Burlington, Ontario by Jan 24th or on race day at the Burlington Central High School, 1433 Baldwin St, Burlington, ON. Click here for a map . Race day registration cost is $40 (if not sold out)

Over $1,500 in Draw Prizes + $2,000 in Gift Certificates!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Barbados & Vegas

Yes there are still races around, although you may have to travel far to get to them, and that is what both Oliver owens and Roger Ison have done this weekend. Roger went to Las Vegas to runt he Rock n Roll Las Vegas Mararthon, his 12th in 12 months, and ran his best of the year 3:28.
Oliver flew to Barbados to do the marathon there and under less than ideal conditions, hot, poor support etc. ran a personal worst 4:29. At least you finished Oliver.
Congratulations to both of you!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grey Cup Pub Run

On Saturday November 28th Joan Van Hilten, Victoria Northcott and Keith Lascelles drove to Hamilton to take part in last of the Slainte series of race the Grey Cup Pub Run 8k. On a very cool morning struggling to stay warm before the start in windy conditions. A good day was had by all, Keith finished 8th overall and 1st in his age group with a personal best of 31:33 (1st tiem in an 8k, :-)). Victoria was 2nd in her age group in a time of 39:40, and Joan blew away her PB by 5 minutes coming 3rd in her age group in a time of 43:23. For the second time this year the Barrie RoadRunners go to the Slainte Pub and come away with a lot of hardwear.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Update on Apparel blog...

There WILL be a new order for BRR shirts soon. Update on this and NEW GEAR on the apparel blog.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Philadelphia Marathon

Results for the Philadelphia Marathon ran today:

Theo Bosch - 3:34
Oliver Owens - 3:35
Roger Ison - 3:39


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mega Marathoners

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boston Marathon is Sold Out

As of November 13th the Boston Marathon is sold out for 2010. So if you were planning on going and haven't signed up... too late. Unless your one of the luck y one swho qualified late in the year and cna use your qualifying time for 2011 as well.

From Marathon
Boston Marathon Registration by The Numbers
Boston Marathon registration closed on November 13, 2009 for the April 19, 2010 race (157 days early), compared to January 25, 2009 for the April 20, 2009 race (85 days early). We know many who were caught unaware by the earlier closing and many who were still hoping to qualify via races later in the year. According to the race website, the event will accept 25,000 registrants - the same as the stated number for 2008 (which yielded nearly 23,000 finishers). Beyond the open registration, the Boston Marathon has available charity registrations and reserves additional registrations - estimates that somewhere over 6,000 registrations remain available through the alternate methods. did a quick analysis of the numbers and here are some facts about the registrants on the day open registration closed:
By Country: USA (84%), Canada (12%), UK (1%), Mexico (1%)
Largest States: MA (8%), CA (8%), NY (6%), ON (6%), IL (6%)
Average Age: Overall - 42.2; Female - 39.4 (43%), Male 44.4 (57%)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Veterans and San Antonio Marathons

On Saturday Theo Bosch and Roger Ison ran the Veterans Marathon in Columbia City, Indiana. On a perfect day Theo ran 3:31 and Roger 3:35.

Meanwhile in San Antonio, Texas the weather wasn't quite as cooperative. 94% humidity greeted runners among them, Rick and Tracy Maclean and Keith Lascelles. After a rediculous line up for busses to the start, the wait for the start began. There didn't seem to be a lot of support at the start, no drinks, food etc.they made up for it on the course, including a Guiness beer stop about 6k in (maybe a little early for that). The course overall was rather blah, downtown was nice running by the Alamo. THe heat became a factor early and the humidity was thick enough to cause a lot of casualties. Rick, Tracy and Keith's times were all off by at least 30 minutes. Keith finished in 3:46, Rick in 4:37 and Tracy 5:43. Despite the weather , and times a good time was had by all. The steak dinner after would was worth it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Barrie Tri Club Fall Meeting

Dear Runners, Ever thought about the swim, bike & run ? We admire the fun that the Roadrunners have and after a successful 2009 year the Barrie TC is branching out again.
The Barrie Tri Club is excited about the upcoming 2010 year. Please join us on Saturday November 28th 1pm at the East Bayfield Community Centre Activity Room #2 for what is in store. Memberships are $ 75 (included in this price is your annual OAT $40 membership).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Weekend, More Races!

Yep, who'd a thunk it, but yes we've more RoadRunners who've found more races to run.
Rick & Tracey MacLean and Keith Lascelles are off to San Antonio, Texas to run the Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon. (Tracy is still trying to decide whether or not to bump up to the marathon).
Also running are Theo Bosch and Roger Ison (number 10 for Roger this year). They are off to Columbus City, Indiana (where???) to run the Veterans Marathon. Oliver was seriously thinking of joining them if he can someone to look after his kids this weekend.
Goodluck everyone.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ultra Marathoner Legend from Hamilton

Here attached are a couple of articles about Monica Scholz who regularly competes in the Ontario Ultra Series, but has done a lot more than that, a lot more...
23 100 milers in one year, over 80 100 milers (as of the time of the article, 2005)

Monica Scholz

Saturday, November 7, 2009

once more, Road2Hope Marathon - with feeling this time! :D

Burlington Runners

The Burlington Runners are a large running club in, of course, Burlington. They are responsible for many races in the Burlington area. They have added a link to our site on their site and we are reciprocating. You can find the link in our links area to the right. Other wise here is there web site Burlington Runners

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Road to Hope Marathon, Hamilton

Congrats right off the top to Bill Lovett and Alan Hewson for qualifiying for Boston, well done guys. Prior to said result, we had gathered in a Gymnasium waiting for the start of the marathon. A great looking group as usual, but more of us sporting our new Road Runner shirts.
There were some different goals here today. Some for Boston Qualifiying, but also Shannon Lloyd and Joan Van Hilten for meeting the criteria to become Marathon Maniacs. Tracy MacLean running her 3rd marathon in 3 weekends also was rewarded with a PB on this beautiful day. Chris Battaglia who has run some trail races with us over the summer ran to an impresive 3:40 and Tigera Turner also posted a sub 4 hour marathon.It was a great course and I really liked running down the parkway and finishing along the water through some nice areas.
Thanks to Brendan and Marie for all the picture taking along the route, because I didnt see any event photographers at all. Sorry we missed you for beverages after Brendan.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Surf City Marathon less than 200 spots remaining

As many of you may already be aware, we have 16 Barrie RoadRunners signed up for this event in Huntington Beach California (Feb 7, 2010).  I received the following response regarding registration cap.

"There are only about 200 spots in the marathon. The half is half full.
Surf City USA® Marathon

888.422.ORUN (0786)"
Anyone looking to get in on this one better do so soon! These details are a day old and they are boasting a nearly sold out marathon on their site!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Marathon Maniacs

A couple of updates for our Marathon Maniacs:

Rick MacLean obtained his 3 star status by completing 5 marathons in 7 weeks (truely crazy).
Not to be out done and equally nuts, Tracey MacLean obtained her 2 star stausby completing 3 in 15 days.
Soon to join the ranks of the insane will be Joan Van Hilton gaining her first star, and Shannon Gervais gaining her first star.
The other maniacs are Cindy Marcelli (1 star, 3 in 8 weeks) and Keith Lascelles (4 star, 11 in 12 months)

Weekend Race Results

A very productive race weekend for RoadRunners in Hamilton and at Angus Glen. Highlights include Boston Qualifying times for Bill Lovett (3:14) and Alan Hewson (3:35), PB's for Joan Van Hilton (4:40) and Tracey MacLean (4:58)in the Hamilton Marathon. Race Results available here - Marathon results

Meanwhile north of Toronto the angus Glen Half Marathon took place with numerous PBs and great results: Barrie Runners
Innisfil Runners

Not to be out done, Lisa Thurlow completed the New York City Marathon in time of 4:44. Hope you enjoyed it Lisa.

New Address for the team apparel page

Didn't want to mislead anyone into thinking this was a buisness so we dropped the word 'merchandise' from the site address and went with the word 'apparel'.
New link is now
Not sure if this will affect any of the subscriptions to that blog but it will definitely affect any bookmarks or favorites saved to browsers. Sorry for the technicality. Next post should be relevant to new 'APPAREL'

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Road 2 Hope - The dreamer's dream

Wow wow wow. What a GREAT day today was for most everyone of the 11 or so folks that ran the Road2Hope Marathon in Hamilton. Though before I get into the details of the race - let's back up to yesterday for a moment shall we? Roger, Keith and I headed down to the Expos around 11am - got there after a uneventful ride. Found the right turn off, then the next, and then the next. As we entered Confederation Park they were in the midst of the 10 run. Nice to cheer for the in coming runners as we headed to the expos and the much needed portopotties. Ya'll know about hydration and then the de-hydration that occurs shortly after. The expos... well uhmm.. How can I say it with out being unkind? It was rather economical in size. Held in the palivilian in the Park. With 80km/hr winds - they may think about WALLS for the next one next year. display racks were being tossed over. People being swept away from the bargains. ( that was sarcasim) Not a lot at the Expos. Four tables at the most. E-Load table ( since they were a sponsor), The Runners Den - sponsor-. Deals... ehhhh...., Phyo-berry, and uhmmm yeah that's about it. The packet pick up was painless. VERY painless. Getting the shirts. Not so plainless, but then I wasn't speaking teenager, I had taken off my translator when I left home. Drat. The nice thing about the actual bag the chip & bib came it was that it was uncontaminated by an over dose of pesky bits of advertising, samples, magnets & lip balm. Phew... Plus with the limited Expos; I walked away with my handbag being the heaviest thing I was carrying. Then lunch at the Queens Head. A rousing game of footie on the Big Screen TV,checked into our hotel room. Low and behold as we walked in - it looked like much grappling had gone on in there. Musta been a MMA or UFC try out... *blinks innocently* well that's what the guys said. Dinner at Boston Pizza. YUMMY. Then back to the room to laugh at the outfits that the Canadians were wearing & Tim Curry's outfits in the Rocky Horror Picture Show, then lights out and loud a/c on. Clocks back. Woke up in time. Breakkie. And then off to check out and head to the race. We won't mention the fact we took a wrong exit and landed up on the 403 rather than the QEW. It was a short detour to get the andrenaline going. Pump Bill up a bit more. Park up. Line up for the bus. We won't talk about the incident by the car - but if you ask any of us - we'll gladly tell you about Keiths' unfortunate moment. On the bus to the start. Off the bus - meet our BRR crew and get ready for the run. Bzzzzzzzzzzz... The run is actually very wonderful. LOTS of country roads. Very little traffic to get in your way. However with country roads comes ROLLING HILLS... yeah.. NOT a big fan. However; Rick stuck with me on this to help me PB - I was hoping for a 4:30 something... We were well on track. At 22 K then we started down the express way for about 6 K. The cambre on the road at times was pretty severe to you had to be on the top or bottom of the road. There were no water stations there either. But it was AMAZING to run on the motorway. IT WAS CLOSED to traffic. Imagine that?! Then we took on part of the ATB route. under the under pass and heading up that street. PB'd the 30 K at 3:13. Yippee. Then 35 k happened. I started slowing down. Rick was great - he was chattering to me the whole time. Then we were on the Hamilton Beach Trail for the last 6 K. ARGH... Things started slowing down. I was exhausted. 37,38, 39... " Hey Ricky just get me through the next 90 seconds - then walk break." He was soo good. Kind when I needed it an ass kicking when I needed it more. There were Barrie supports on the route as well, Chuck Lloyd & Brendan & Marie Kavanaugh. It was so GREAT to hear them cheering. I so needed that. With only 400/500 metres left Brennan & Marie were there cheering saying the finish was really around the next corner. I thought for a moment about how many times I had heard that in the past and how many times they LIED THROUGH THEIR TEETH - but knowing they were runners & from Barrie it had to be true. So I dug a little deeper and started to pick it up. Not enough to get my 4:30 something - but enought to get 4:40:15 - drat drat drat drat. Shouldn’t have taken that last walk break,Oh well. It's still a PB. Well deserved, beers, hot chocolates & teas at Jack Astors and homeward bound there after. Thanks to everyone , the runners, the well wishers & on site cheering clapper less section. What a truly wonderful day it was!!! JvH

Road2Hope Marathon aka PB's / BQ

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Niagara Falls International Marathon 2009

You couldn't ask for better weather to run this event, it was perfectly sunny and a bit cool. For Sam Furlong, Cindy Marcelli, and Joan Van Hilten who were running the half, a 10 am start means not having to get up at some crazy hour. For the Full marathon however, Cynthia Osborne, Tracy MacLean and myself had to load up on a bus before 7 am to be shuttled across the border to the start line in Buffalo. After clearing the border we hung out in the Al-bright Knox Art gallery until start time, 10 am, same start time as the half just in a different country.
It was an amazing course through Buffalo and over the peace bridge, Fort Erie, and down to the road to the falls. Great scenery all the way and great fan support. I also want to send Special congrats to Barrie's Ann Green who completed her first marathon, and Tracy for completing back to back weekend marathons, way to go!
This event for me was a streak of 4 marathons in 6 weeks(37 days) for Marathon Maniac Gold Status. Its been a busy year and its not over yet, right Keith!!

Another Busy Weekend

Yes this coming weekend is another busy one for races. First and for most good luck to Lisa Thurlow who is off to NY to do the big one, the New York City Marathon on Sunday.
A numer of RoadRunners are off to the Angus Glen half marathon just north of Toronto. Good luck and have fun.
And more are off to the less glamorous "Steel Town" Hamilton to do the Road 2 Hope marathon. Good luck to all, especially Bill who has hung so much on this race. Boston is calling you Bill.
It looks like the running or racing season is winding down as there are a lot less races on the list of races we are doing to the right.

The Niagara Falls (Not So) International Half Marathon

What a weekend folks - woot woot!!! I got up around 6am - relieved that the dogs let me sleep in that long. Took them for their obligatory Saturday morning walk with their doggy pals. Then got home, tidied out my car as I had travel guests joining me to go to NIAGARA FALLS!!! It was marathon weekend & I wasn't even packed. EGADS... aaaargh. So after the car was tidied. I started packing.
Jeans, sandals, couple of shirts, tooth brush, tooth paste, meds, vitamins, makeup etc.
Running kit:
Road Runners shirt, long sleeve tech, shoes, socks, sports bra, capris, vest.
Cindy Marcelli arrived, packed her in, drove to Innisfil to pick up Samantha - Tea's all around. GPS plugged in and programmed for the Skylon Parking Lot B - for the Expos.

Expos - was so so. I wasn't overly impressed. I think last years was a bit better. Perhaps it was just me, but I didn't get the same HOOPALA as I did last year. Didn't even spin the Nordica Wheel of Fortune.
They didn't hand out Tech shirts - we got for the Half and Full Marathon, a very nice Brooks sports bag. What a nice change that was. Dark Blue for the Halfers ( that was us) and Light Blue for the fullers.
The actual race kits - not bad. A package of whole wheat pasta, brown rice chips, the obligatory paper. Gator Aid water bottles ( picked those up as we left the Expos).

The hotel room at the Skyline Inn was COOL. They had bunk beds. I got the top bunk. WOOT WOOT.

Okay now for the really important stuff.

The actual Race - I'll let Rickymac talk about the Full experience as I hear it's awesome. I may do the full next year.

I love this race - I've done the half three years in a row now & we've had <<>> decent weather for each race. Decent being no snow or heavy rain. LOL.
They pick you up from the Crowne Plaza by the Starbucks ( hmmmmm) and bus you, in my case, to the Half Marathon start, which believe it or not is at exactly the half way mark of the full marathon. I KNOW - go figure. Crazy people.
And F-L-A-T. It's a net down hill course. You run on the Niagara Parkway the whole way in. Then the last kilometer is on the actual road in. Turn a couple of corners and VOILA- Finish Line.
Cindy was just going to run the run as it arrived for her. Fast if she wanted, slow if she wanted. This was her recovery run from the Nike's Women's Marathon. I've never seen so much NWM gear! Everytime you turned around she had something else emblazened with NWM. Thanks for single handedly stimulating the US economy. I think President Obama is on line 1 for you to personally thank you. LOL.
She looked fabulous & even better - ran exceedingly well.
Sam was recovering from a stress fracture in her foot and was out of commission for 8 weeks. So this was her Happy Birthday & welcome back to running run.
Me?? It was my recovery, taper run - I had no expectations other than to stick with my bestest buddy Sam.
We were all patiently waiting for the start at 10am. Folks milling around in the warming tents, which I found out the first year, is a misnomer. There are no warmers in the tents. You have to huddle together and let the body heat blossom. Yeah right... okay. Doesn't get anyone into trouble does it?
Our Barrie Road Runners shirts were a hit. Lots of Barrie folks on the course, people running by you yelling - HEY I'M FROM BARRIE TOO!!! Awesome. Lots of compliments on them. Groovy man!!!
So off we went after a wonderful rendition of the US & Canadian anthems. I treated everyone to my own special brand of singing. Anything to chase the butterflies away.

The course was beautiful. The houses are amazing! HOLY SMOKES ! They have the most amazing view - over the Niagara River. Wow. The trees were a wonderful array of fiery red, burnt orange and tangy yellow. Canada Geese were swimming lazily in the river, families of them floating in harmony.
Sam's injury resurfaced - her foot was aching hotly. So rather than risk reinjuring it further at the 6 mile mark we decided to walk it in. Cindy, her Road Runners Singlet gleaming in the sunshine, headed off for a grand finish.
Sam and I were given the opportunity to enjoy the glorious fall day that we were given. Sam is a complete trouper. I made her walk no less than a 9 minute kilometer. We ran when she felt a run in her, then we'd walk again. At about the 11 mile marker the motor-cade came through to announce the first place marathon runner was coming through.
There he was - not a Kenyan by any means and the most interesting thing - he was completely alone, there was NOBODY even close by to him. The next set of runners were about a kilometer behind him at least.

The medal - well it's not as great as last year's or the year before that. Whomever they had contracted to make the medals misspelled pewter two years running ( or more but for sure two). We had genuine pure pewer medals. This year... not so much. They weren't bad. Size wise they are decent. The Ribbon was blue for the half and Gold for the Full - that would be the only hugely noticeable difference. On the back it has 5k - 10k - Half Marathon - Marathon and your event is highlighted with at small space to have your time engraved.

This is definitely a great run for folks who want to finish off the year with a flat run before Angus Glen. The organization is great, the volunteers at the expos are very helpful, they even whispered in my ear that I could get Jame's entry deferred if he wanted and pointed out who I needed to speak to. The water stations were manned by some really energetic schools. The teenagers were really giving it their all which was terrific!! Lots of school spirit. Mascots, balloons, face painting all in school colours!! Fantastic.

I didn't stay too long at the after party. But they had the food in a bag awaiting for me! I couldn't believe it!! I didn't have get in another line up for food! The usual Gatorade to chug down after finishing, water bottles or cups of water and best of all a shuttle bus back to the Crowne Plaza. I managed to trade my chewy chocolate covered granola bar for a bag of ketchup chips on the bus ride back... SAAAWEEET!!! yummy... chips for our carb!

So all in all I'd rate this one a - Hafta do at least once on my race rating scale.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Niagara Falls Marathon

The Niagara Half Marathon Results are in well done everyone:

Half Marathon results

Marathon Results

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Barrie RoadRunners Merchandise Blog

Bill has started another blog to look after all your BRR merchandise needs and it can be found at

Nike Women's Marathon San Fransisco

It seemed as though a lot of us ran a Marathon, somewhere on the planet this past weekend!
Lots of us Roadrunners including the remaining ones from Catherine Hardings clinic in Toronto, Roger Ison in Amsterdam, and Tracy MacLean & Cindy Marcelli in San Fransisco for the Nike womens Marathon. At first glance, the course elevation map looks like a 50k trail run, but it is San fransisco ladies. Lots of hills including a 4 mile climb to mile 15, all scenic. Entry to this event is by lottery which opens in the spring, or charity group only. A couple of different things, like no real Expo, you see Nike is the sponsor so all race-clothing,gear is sold through Niketown, 7 floors of it. You also receive your tech event shirt after you cross the finish line. Oh yes, and the coveted Tiffanys necklace presented by tuxedo clad firemen is quite a deal.
I didnt forget about you Erin, you had a great time at 4:14 I believe, well done.
Congrats to all, and good thing for hill training!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update: Barrie RoadRunner Shirts

With the early arrival of our new shipment of tees and singlets we have already managed to distribute 64% of the orders so far.

  • Wed Oct 21st - I will be at the Barrie Running Room so, after the run, I will be prepared to hand out more to those who have yet to receive theirs.

    NOTE: The individually marked bags also contain money from the price-break refund. It is because of this, AND due to the volume of orders placed, that I do not intend to leave orders at the Running Room. The wonderful RR staff already has a job ;-)
  • WEEK OF THE 26th  (REVISED DATE) - Anyone who ordered shirt(s) is also welcome to stop by and pick up your order at the full/half Toronto Marathon runners' clinic wrap-up . This is being co-ordinated by Catherine Harding and is TBA at this time. Email for more details if you are not already on her extensive clinic mailing list.
Following this wave we'll see how many folks have yet to pick up and decide how to do so.


Toronto Good Life Marathon - A New Hope.

Oh boy was it cold this morning at the Spirit Catcher - My bed was so toasty and warm it was a shame to say good bye to it, but I gave it a fond adieu and headed out the door with ALL of my racing required accessories. Shoes, bib, chip, waterbelt, E-load, Vanilla Bean Gu, hat, shades, vest & something pink.

I arrived EARLY & low and behold Bill was there with our shirts - so I devested my vest and donned on my MOST AWESOME Barrie RoadRunner's shirt ( complete with Spirit Catcher on the back).

I shamelessly hugged Carlton the Bear for luck! Some dude taped that so watch the news .. ahaha.. I was hoping he'd bring me more luck than what's currently happening for the Leafs. ( but that's a blog for the FAN 590). Started off with our group. Tim, Lyndy, Steve, Catherine, Dave, Stephen, Kelly & Lori. Slight delay - There were No Jonas Brothers so I'm not sure what happened.

Okay what's up with Hogs Hollow? People just RUNNING up that willy nilly. I took a more conservative approach as it was my first time running Toronto and I wasn't sure what other surprises it held for me. ( I'm not one to really study a map closely - I get lost in Barrie still from time to time.)
Trish and I were working together with a hope of finishing in 4:30 - something that elluded us at Scotia. We were doing brilliantly well. We PB'd at 30 K with a 3:18 and a faint glimmer of " could be possibly get UNDER 4:30?" registering on our eager faces.

Yeah not so much.

Things started unravelling around 35 - but I managed to keep it together until my calf muscle would spasm and I'd lose my balance, yell in pain, scare the pants off Trish and then regain my composure.
Then at about 38 my left quad started doing the same thing. So I was running one block - walking ...
and at 40 it pretty near levelled me horizontal. I've never seen my leg veer off to the left on it's on. One leg in one direction, the other going straight ahead.
41 - interesting km my calf and quad would alternate spasming. I looked wickedly cool.
as Trish and I entered into the circle at Queens Park we decided one last walk ... up to the green sign --- then we heard it.
The loudest most bestest cheering section this side of anywhere. CRAP... now we can't walk. I see Sandra... Okay Trish we hafta run now.

We made it in 4:43 a PB for me. 12 minutes off my Ottawa time and Scotia -- well :)

Also a heart felt congratulations to Roger in Amsterdam !! UITSTEKEND JONGEN... Gefeliceeteerd!
And to Tracy & Cindy out in San Fran - woot woot.... You ladies rock!!!


Weekend Race results

The first race on Sunday was across the pond in Amsterdam, where Roger Ison ran the marathon in... you guessed it 3:31 (Mr. consistant). Good one Rog.
In Toronto here are results for the all the Barrie runners with many PB's:


Half Marathon

Orillia Runners:



Half Marathon

And Finally congratulations to Cindy Marcelli and Tracey MacLean who finished the Nike Womens Marathon in San Francisco in 5:45. They may have enjoed themmselves too much. Way to go ladies.

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Barrie RoadRunner Shirts Have Arrived

The new shirts were expected to arrive in time for the Niagara Falls International Half/Full Marathon held on Oct 25th. As fate would have it, THEY ARE HERE NOW! Out of consideration for the group of runners going to the Goodlife Toronto Half/Full Marathon I am working to have the shirts organized a full week ahead of schedule for distribution on race day Oct 18th. They too will have the opportunity to fly these new diggs if they so desire.

What you get: If you ordered a garment you will receive your ordered item(s) and an envelope containing your respective price-break refund (cash), all in a convenient bio-degradable bag that's yours to keep! ;-)

WHEN: Orders can be picked up on SUNDAY OCT 18th as follows;

Not into getting up THAT early? No problem! Once our favourite contingent of Goodlife Toronto athletes heads south, I am going to take off for my own little run. After that the Running Room will be open and I will bring the remainder into the store to distribute (by about 9:15/9:30am). I expect to get away with this loitering til at least 10:30am!

Now, I know it is a little short-notice but I am sure you all understand when I say that I do it out of the interest of the patient members who purchased these items. If you are so unfortunate as to be unable to work with this schedule simply send me an email at and we'll work it out.

Thanks, and shirt or no shirt have a great run this weekend!


(so how many of you got hung up on the 'no shirt' remark :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This weekend

Another busy weekend coming up with the Toronto Goodlife Marathon on sunday and lots of RoadRunners heading down for the full and the half marathons. Good luck to all the first timers. Also this weekend Roger Ison heads over to the land of Windmills and everything orange to take on the Amsterdam Marathon, good luck Roger.

Going in the opposite direction will be Tracey MacLean and Cindy Marcelli who are travelling to San Francisco to run the Nike Women's Marathon. Good luck girls and behave.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Simcoe Shores Relay

There is a new local relay race being organized for next august starting in Barrie to Orillia, Midland, Wasaga Beach and ending in Collingwood. It seems we already have some interest. I'm sure the RoadRunners could put in a couple of teams

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Wasaga Beach, Collingwood
Barrie, Ontario
Start Time:

The Simcoe Shores is a 250KM running team relay that starts in Barrie and travels through Orillia, Midland, Wasaga Beach with a finish in Collingwood. Entry is for teams from 5 to 8 members. The first event description PDF is now available to download.
Simoce Shores Relay

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Now for the link...

Whooops helps if the link shows up doesn't it?? Sorry folks.

Running with NO Shoes - it just might catch on.

I lifted this from my cousin's facebook page. There are some compelling arguments for running with no shoes. Heck I remember doing that as a little girl. Didn't have any problems really.

Are we being brainwashed by the big multi billion dollar shoe industry that we REALLY need to run in shoes. Now living in the Great White North - We have an added disadvantage than say the Tarahumara tribe they reference, or even the West Coasters in here in Canada and the U.S.

Have a read and let me know what you think.


RoadRunner shirts update:

Well it's about that time that folks are politely asking when their shirts will arrive... Thanks for checking up;

Our order is still on schedule and is going out tomorrow Friday Oct 9. Soooo, we should receive it soon. OK, It is expected that we could see as long as two weeks on delivery but I am optomistic it will be sooner. I will work to return price break refunds and your new garments as soon as I reasonably can. I understand some priority may go to those running Niagara on the 25th who may wish to fly their new colors at the race. Hopefully this will be possible.

In the end, it would be great to hear if you have any comments or feedback on the process as a whole. ATAC Sportswear was greatful for our order and they hope to hear from us in the future for our new orders. Hmmm, Jackets anyone?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Doing something for someone else - STWM Sept 27th 2009

WOO HOOO.. finally the STWM - I had only planned running this race for the last year. It fell on my birthday and it was my birthday present to me.
It was going to be a great day. It was going to be the best day of the week and truly a fantastic running day, slightly over cast 18 degrees. A far out day!

I had only planned to run the race as a training run, and as Keith L said in one of our clinic classes "No you won't" . Ahhhh what does he know. I can just ' run ' a race. I needed to get my distance in, my last two long runs S-U-X-D. Big time. In fact I don't think I finished them. What a palvar.

Then I was emailed and requested to run with another club member who was a first timer. Sure no problem. I've got so much experience under my belt with the first Marathon in Ottawa in May. I'm completely qualified to be someone's run partner. Never mind that I hit the wall at 37K. GREAT CHOICE CATHERINE. *sighs* but since I had no goal time & I figured it's time to pay it forward. I have been supported through races.

So the Scotiabank runners met at the Spirit Catcher at 0500 on Sunday morning. Got into our perspective car pooling cars and headed off. Our first stop on route was, yep, Timmies on the 400 in King. I ran into my running buddy who wanted to do the Marathon in 4:30. I winced a tad - I hadn't done a 4:30, I just wanted to have a LSR, but a promise was a promise so I pulled my shoulders back and took a sip of my tea. Okay 4:30 it was.

Found parking and Nathan Philips Square and The Running Room Tent. The Barrie Runners had assembled - we gave a big WWWHHHOOOAAA BARRIE and headed for the starting line. Jenny & I got into our corral. Trish and Natalie as well. It was going to be the four musketeers. I was oddly relaxed - by the 2nd kilometre I knew I was going to have a great run. 4:30 was on the books. It was doable.
So off we trotted. We were on pace.
Trish and Natalie fell back by about 10 K because Natalie wasn't feeling well. She had been feeling unwell for a few days.
Jenny and I hit the turn around point at Windermere - I saw my 5 yr old neice there waiting for me ( her Daddy already had gone by - these "elite" runners... argh) so after giving her a big kiss and a raspberry on her cheek we were off again.
We took our turn off at the 18 K mark. We were running near the 4:45 Bunny. YIKES... 4:45 that's NEVER going to do. Note to self - pass the Pace Bunny.
As we ran by the Westin I looked around as I hear my name. Who the ??? It was Barrie's own Scott Whynott!!! Oh that was just the boost I needed. Come on Jenny & as we headed under the motor way - we edged by the bunny. Ohhh I could feel the air under my brand new Saucony Hurricanes.

By the half way mark we were making up time and a couple of k's later Trish caught up to us. Natalie perked up at 14 and was able to finish the half in a great time. As the three of us continued, Jenny was slowing down considerably. She had convinced herself that couldn't do this. The 4:45 pace bunny had long deserted us. And thusly I shelved any desire to finish in any other time than what Jenny was able to do.

I was constantly talking to her. I'd run in front of her and run backwards telling her that she was really doing well. That she WOULD complete this marathon RUNNING. She needed to stop listening to her brain and focus on me. I was going to drive her nuts, she'd hate me, but she'd thank me later.

The desire to walk was written all over her face. I saw a lot of me in Ottawa. The tears forming in your eyes when you have to start running again. The urge just to stop. I was so proud of Jenny. She didn't hit me once, even when I told her she had to run to the next Kilometre marker. We had a 2 minute walk break. Then we would run to the next Km marker, then a walk break. We did this from the 36K marker all the way to the finish. I'd run ahead and yell ' JENNY LOOK LOOK --- THERE IS THE NEXT MARKER - CAN YOU SEE IT???' Focus on that Jenny. Then we get a WALK BREAK!!!.. The volunteers at the 39 K marker thought I was loopy. I was jumping up and down that it was a walk break. I was singing and dancing to the entertainment - just to try and inspire my partner. I really think she'd rather have choked me with the microphone wire... but restrained herself.

Then there was 800 metres left. Then 500, 400... LOOK JENNY --- there are the Barrie Runners cheering us! 300 metres and a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to you for me. 200 metres. 100 metres. LOOK JENNY !! THE FINISH LINE...

YOU DID IT JENNY !!!!!!! WE DID IT!!!!!!!!! Gun Time 5:11 Chip time 5:03.
I got my LSR in & Jenny got her first and hopefully not her only Marathon in.

I'm so grateful for the lesson I learned. It's always better to give. I thank Jenny for the opportunity presented to me & I want to thank her for being my STWM running partner. With out her I wouldn't have learned that lesson.

Now on to the Toronto Goodlife Marathon and I'm looking forward to a 4:30 finish time.


Run for the Cure - Oct 4th 2009

Well it was a wonderfully brisk morning on Sunday as I got up and ready to head to Yorkdale Subway station to head down to Nathan Phillips Square for my 2nd year of participating in the CIBC - Run for the Cure in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

Every year the company I work for, DAC Group, fields a team of enthausists to take on the 1k walk or the 5K walk / run.
I've become the resident fundraising benchmark for the office and thanks to the generousity of family & friends ( including some of my running family) I exceeded my goal of $500.00 this year. Armed with my daughter, a cup of Timmie's Mint Tea, my Canon Digital SLR & a high spirit, I boarded the 9am train from Yorkdale to Osgoode Station.

I arrived at Nathan Philips Square with time to spare and glanced around where I had only the week before, celebrated my 44th birthday by running in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. What a wonderful day that was, but I'll blog on that experience later. ( if I remember - yikes) I located my colleagues, gave Chelsea the camera and started pumping up the team. "WOOT WOOT... YAHHHOOO!! 5 K this is EXCITING... no no no I'm not going to run quickly. What?? Oh heavens no beat last years time? Gosh folks this is for charity - it's all about coming up with a cure to this disease, plus I'm still recovering from the 42.2k I did last weekend."
Then my boss nudged me and said " It's time to line up!" Whaaat? Damn... arrggh... she's a runner too - runs about 3 miles every other day. Small, weighs all of a toothpick and has different flavoured tic tacs for her meals. Argghh... Trying to be non-chalant about it all. Last year I lost her in the crowd and beat her by about a minute. This year I was determined to keep pace with her.
I mean who wants to have this charity run reflect poorly on their yearly performance review? Not me...

So we lined up, patiently waiting for 10am. 10:05. 10:07. 10:10. What the .... We were a bit further back than we had cared to be so we couldn't see what the delay was. I found out yesterday on the news. The Jonas Brothers were in town and decide to run the 5K - so I'm thinking they let them go first. Cheaters.

Well about 2 minutes into the run - I couldn't find my boss. *heavy sigh* I did it again. Oh what the heck - in for a penny in for a pound I say. I took one last look around - no boss & off I went.

I must say, I think they tax the air in Toronto because there was very little of it as I ran the course. At points it felt like my lungs were bursting. I thought perhaps because I was an out of towner I wasn't allowed the same amount of air as locals, no one else seemed to be looking like they couldn't breathe. So I carried on. Past the entertainment. Past the kilometre marker sign holders. Past the Police Officers. Past the water station --- whhooaa... hang on; crap I forgot my water belt. Yeah get your fingers out of the water cup & just hand it to me. Oh gloves, okay not so worried. I drank my cup of water, tossed it in the bin and carried on.

And what to my wondering eyes should appear? A blond gal in the same pink Ottawa Marathon 2009 shirt. " Hey NOOOICE shirt!!" " Gee thanks, sadly I haven't run since." " Really, how sad" I said as I ran past her as well. " Take that" I thought to myself. Air was still at a premium & I thought to myself, why the HECK am I running like this. There's no bling. So I slowed my pace ( I had no Garmin because of course this was for fun. I only had my sports watch's timer on). Then suddenly that familar pink marathon shirt was next to me, then in front of me. DAMN!!! Argh...

Off I went again.

Over the finish line in 24:13 - a personal best in the 5K for me, I managed to sneak by the pink marathon copy cat shirt wearer - I have the picture to prove it.

The best thing of all was that I was part of a bigger picture. 4.1 million dollars was raised in Toronto alone for Breast Cancer research. I was saddened to see so many pink survivors t-shirts in the crowds of runner/walkers Chelsea & I cheered in after. Then I stopped for a moment and reflected. That many pink shirts was actually A GOOD thing. That means our money is working to finding a cure. All these pink shirts mean SURVIVOR... they are here still. WOW... that actually brings tears to my eyes and a huge lump in my throat. I can understand that feeling of being a survivor. I'm SO HAPPY for them.

And thanks to everyone that sponsored monetarily and those that sponsored me with confidence. You all are special.

I can't wait for next year's run!!
Woot woot.

Joan vH

p.s. for those of you wonder - I beat my boss by about 2 minutes.

Run for the Toad

Saturday October 3rd was 8th Annual Run for the Toad at Pinehurst Lake Conservation area. Another large contingent of RoadRunners were on hand to tackle the different distances. Some enjoying there first Ultras:

All the results are listed here

Barrie RoadRunners are taking it to California...

Look out California, HERE WE COME!!

With 14 entrants thus far, the Barrie RoadRunners are now on the run club listing for the SurfCity Marathon in Huntington Beach California, Feb 7th, 2010! Not only is this the only Canadian club thus far, we have outnumbered many of the clubs in the region of what will be a fantastic surf-themed event! (click here to see the description listed for our group

Very soon the Barrie RoadRunners will be a selectable club listed in the drop-down menu for this venue's online race registration. This applies to all race distances at the event so if you are signing up be sure to specify your club as Barrie RoadRunners! Further, with another eleven runners in any of the events at this venue we would qualify for club perks such as:

  • Registration discount!

  • Exclusive sponsor giveaways!!

  • Dedicated meeting space at the venue!!!

  • and so on,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Back To Back Marathon Weekend - A three person perspective

Well it was a few months ago now that Kevin said to me do you feel like doing a back to back in new England in October. After thinking about it for all of maybe 1 second I said yeah, Ok. So this past weekend we travelled with Oliver to Bristol, New Hampshire and Portland Maine to do the New Hampshire and Maine Marathons.

Keith was with me two Octobers ago when I first completed a back-to-back marathon weekend, in Hartford, CT and Atlantic City, NJ. The high level of agony, pain and suffering must have enticed him as he was all too quick to accept for this year. So off we went to New England, leaving on Thursday Oct. 1 with a stopover in Cornwall. On the way to New Hampshire on Friday we stopped in Burlington, VT. Weather was awesome as we had lunch on an outdoor patio at an Irish pub downtown. Of course since we were preparing for a weekend of running we had nothing to drink (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Lunch done it was onto New Hampshire.

Although the trip to the east coast 2 years ago was "inpsirational" this one was completely different. The pasta dinner reminded me of my New Mexico experience, home made pasta dinner with all local volunteers in a a small Mason Hall. Very cozy. Off to the liquor store for cheap booze and then back to the hotel for an early night.
We woke up to pouring rain. A stop at Starbucks for coffee anf off to the start line.

The goal: start slow. There was a lot of running ahead of Keith and I. So what do I do? Start fast!! I've been battling a sore knee and bronchitis the last 6 weeks, so as I started I felt pretty good, so off I go! Plus it was cold and wet, the perfect incentive to get it over with ASAP. Of course there was just one small problem...HILLS! Which are not conducive to running quickly. Add in the fact that Keith has mentioned that due to the small field there was a good chance of maybe winning an age-group award caused me to go out a wee bit too fast.

Regardless of what Kevin says, we tried to pace ourslves well, but as usual failed miserably. As hilly as he couse was I went through the half at 1:41, still way behind Kevin, but not far ahead of Oliver. I thought the hills were supposed stop at halfway, they only got worse. With 6k to go (for me) the heavens opened up.Boy did it rain hard, just to add insult to injury. I finished about 8 minutes behind Kevin (as usual) in 3:23 and about 20 minutes ahead of Oliver. Overall a good day considering the conditions and the course but then again we sill another one to do.

Apparently Keith awoke on Sunday morning in South Portland, ME dreading the arrival of the second half of our adventure. Oliver was merely concerned. I was looking forward to it...don't know why, but the fact I survived the absolutely dreadful conditions of New Hampshire caused me to realize that Maine would not be a problem...or would it? The day dawned overcast with a temperature of about 13 degrees C. Considering that a resounding thunderstorm woke us up the night before we were counting our blessings. We arrived at the race site no problem, and while walking to the start-line porta-potties we heard some guy in a truck yell out, "The traffic's backed up to the Interstate!" We looked over and were a little surprised to see The Joker behind the wheel. Yeah, a dude with The Joker makeup on...little did we know this would foreshadow a very eventful encounter Keith would have with him very, very soon.

Yeah, with about a mile to go I looked up and there was the Joker running in full garb about 100 yards ahead of me. So I figured I can't let him beat even after 84k. When I was about 10 yards behind him my mind convinced me to stop a for a quick break. Once I got going again I eventually caught upto him with about 1/2k to go passed him and said to him "way to go Joker, but I can't let you beat me". And so I finished as strong as possible thanks to the Joker. Once I saw Kevin as the end, who couldn't stop talking about how great he felt (barf), we waited for Oliver to arrive. Oliver didn't dissapoint coming in at 4:02.

Keith just doesn't like anyone who differs from his (old) opinion, so if he feels like crap, we all have to! Just kidding. I was surprised at how well I felt, but that's what happens when you start out nice and easy and work your way into a comfortable pace. The course was hillier than I expected, but turned out to be very scenic, as we ran through a lot of nice neighbourhoods. Meet some incredible people along the way: Kyle from Ohio, who also did the double; Mike from Illinois (another back-to-backer); two guys from Nova Scotia, Grant and Charlie; Cowboy Jeff, who Keith and I know from Atlantic City two years ago (we ate our pre-race dinner with him); and of course all the wonderful volunteers, spectators who cheered us on (especially the ones in New Hampshire holding up the signs); and my running compatriots, Keith and Oliver, who have had me in stitches all weekend.

Another thing that stood out for me was wearing my Marathon Maniacs shirt, brought lots of encouragement from not only all the manaics out there but the 50 states club. What an inspiring bunch of runners. Not to mention Kevin and Oliver. Great Weekend guys.

Run For the Toad 2009, Oct. Third.

Ibuprofen. It's out there. It works. Run for the Toad (Cambridge/Paris, On.) what a magnificent trail run. If you haven't done this race put it high on your list today. Food, setup, organization, spectator perspective, & race course score a 10 out 10. To the Directors & Organizers of this event, I tip my hat. Simply perfect.
The Barrie Roadrunners had a solid representation at the race outnumbering he semi-professional boys from North Vancouver.The winner knocked off 15 minutes !!! from the previous record in the 50k. His time, are you ready,..3 hrs 23 mins.
The fifty is four loops of 12.5K of trail of which 10% is flat. I was warned to take it easy on the first loop, & thank goodness i did. However by the fourth loop my hamstrings & quads were on fire from the descents.
Congratulations to the Barrie runners who conquered the 25 km. They were, Jennifer Thurston, Cindy Mcgarragle, Lorna Avery-Cooper, Mike Murphy, Linda Sanson, Donna Fiton, Deborah Lancia, Kelly Huang, Jennifer Bohle, Joanne Wallace, Mike Strano, Brian Lancia, Neil Phillips. A big salute to Terry MacFarlane & Sandra Lalonde for taking the 50 Km. Job well done my apologies ahead of time if i have missed anyone. And Rick and Tracey.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Keith, Oliver & Kevin

As Chancellor of Simcoe County International Foundation of Fleet Runners, may I wish you all the best in New Hampshire & Maine. If I may, remember a few things : number one, your passports, number two listen to Oliver & don't use Kevin's Radio Shack pretend garmin, and final three, make us proud!! Good luck guys.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Racing Season is well Under Way

Another weekend of racing is coming up with many RoadRunners taking part in different races.
Saturday is the Run for the Toad, a great event at Pinehurst Conservation area near Cambridge. A couple of runners are attempting their first 50k, Jamie Nielsen, Catherine Harding, Sandra Lalonde, Rick MacLean and Scott Whynot.
Sunday is the Prince Edward County Marathon in Picton, Ontario.

And finally a couple Nutbars are travelling to New Hampshire to run the NH marathon on Saturday and then off to Portland, Maine to do the Maine Marathon on Sunday. Yes 2in one weekend. Attempting to reach "Iridium Status" in the Marathon Maniacs club. They would be Kevin O'Neill (head nutbar), Oliver Owens and Keith Lascelles.

Clarence isn't doing any races this weekend.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon Results

The results are coming in and can be seen at
Barrie runners Marathon results

Barrie runners half Marathon results

Orillia runners half Marathon

From the runners who have finished the marathon some noteable times include Kellie McNabb qualifying for Boston in her first marathon. Roger Ison completing his second marathon in 8 days, both in 3:32. Victoria Northcott and Theo Bosch both ran their second Boston qualifying times of the year.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon

Good luck to all those doing the Scoitabank Waterfront Marathon and half marathon on Sunday. There many going down for it. And a special good luck to those that are doing their first.

Air Force Marathon

This past weekend was a "Road Trip" weekedn for a couple of RoadRunners as they left for Dayton, Ohio. More precisely Wright-Patterson Air Force base to take part in the USAF marathon. On Beautiful day with a cool start and warm finish Keith Lascelles (3:19), Oliver Owens (3:31), Roger Ison (3:32), Alan Hewson (4:07) and Rick MacLean (4:17) had a good day enjoying a very well run event on a challenging course. The fly over at the start by 2 USAF jets sent shivers down your spine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Virginia Beach Rock and Roll Half Marathon

Barrie Roadrunners travelled all the way to Virginia Beach to be in the Rock and Roll Half Marathon Sept 6. Bruce and Karen Dennison, Julie Bateman, and Tracy and I were there for one hot half. The course was shady for the most part until the last few miles where you run down the streets paralell to the beach and then onto the boardwalk to the finish line. Good spectator support, cheerleaders, and good course bands. The finish area was the beach, and it was hot and jam packed with spectators, runners, family, and people who had no idea why the beach was being overun! The headliner concert was The Black Crowes Sunday night. Canadas Rock group Heart played Saturday.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Virginia Beach Rock n Roll Half Marathon

Rick and Tracy MacLean travelled down to Virginia Beach this weekend to take part in the Rock n Roll Half Marathon. With the temperature around 30C Rick finished in 1:56 and Tracy in 2:37. Way to go guys.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2nd Annual Kinetico Running Festival

From Barrie Shepley,

Let me introduce myself. I am a long-time run coach, that became Canada's
first Olympic Triathlon coach for the Sydney Games. I have had the privilege
of watching many great runners over the years and want to help keep our
sport of running alive (and growing).

Investigating why kids are not running as much, cost became an issue. My
friends and I want to do something to give kids and running a kick-start.

On Sunday Sept 20th, we are donating 1000 free race entries (roughly $25-30
per kid) for the 2nd Annual Kinetico Running Festival. The Festival will
give each child a free race shirt, free race finishers medal, free race
number, post-race meal and much more. We have a climbing wall, live music
and great draw prizes for the kids. Some of our country's great endurance
athletes will be there to sign autographs and meet the kids. This includes

* Lisa Bentley 11x Ironman Champion
* Reid Coolsaet (back from his 2:16 marathon in Berlin)
* AP Smith (past national jr cross-run medalist, elite national team tri)
* Sean Bechtel (Pan Am Triathlete)
* Cameron Sylvester (Olympic rower)
* Jade Sagnomillo (15 year old who just swam Lake Ontario as youngest ever)
* And others to be named.

The day has a competitive 5km run, 10 miler (beautiful Caledon run in the
fall with the colours changing) or a 10 mile (2 person x 5 mile relay).

We have great technical shirts for the 5k/10 miler and some great prizes.
Every person in the 5k/10 miler WILL GET A BEAUTIFUL gold,silver or bronze
pin. The pin colour is based on your finishing time. We have specific times
based on age, sex for each race. Our sponsors have been very gracious.

I know you have many many options for your running experience. Our goal, at
C3 is to simply help increase the number of kids who are into running (and
perhaps they may join your organization in the future).

You can appreciate how much effort it takes to try to get a 1000 kids into a
one mile run (we are going to do 3-4 waves with older athletes first, down
to the 3-4 year olds in last last wave). Obviously our 3-4 year olds may
be power-walking NOW, but getting into the attitude of being a future

With the gracious kindness of our sponsors to pay for 1000 kids (the shirts,
medals and food are ordered), I don't want to have one spot not filled. As
soon as we hit 1000 free kids, we will stop the kids we can allow in for
free in 2009.
Please help us give away 1000 free spots, by filling up a few cars and
bringing some kids out to run. They do need to pre-register on-line so we
know for shirt-size and food. Secondly, having your adult friends come for
one of the races (5k, 10 mile, 10 mile two person relay).
The proceeds from the day are going to the Ontario Lung Association. We
are going to request that all kids (who race for free) bring some canned
food for the LOCAL FOOD BANK (learning to help others can never start too
I am sure you are bombarded with a lot of emails. I hope you will take
a few minutes to see how YOU and YOUR ORGANIZATION can hook into this world
class day where charity and KIDS are the priority. Please help me get 1000
kids out, AND attract some adult friends for the 5k/10 miler. Thanks for
your consideration. Details at .

Barrie Shepley

Olympic Coach
CBC Analyst
Friend Of Running

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Slainte Pub Run

Looks like a good night was had by all. A good race (13 RoadRunners came home with 7 age group medals) and more importantly lots of swag, free beer and food.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fresh Air Fund-Racers

From Sara Wilson of the Fresh Air Fund-Racers:


I wanted to write you a quick note to let you know that our 2009 Fresh Air Fund-Racers completed the NYC half marathon and raised a whopping $80,000 this summer! We are really thrilled and just wanted to thank everyone who supported us. I've posted some photos onto our Facebook page here:
Please become a fan if you aren't already. If you'd like to share this wonderful news on Barrie Road Runners or on Twitter that would be great. Our twitter handle is @freshairfund. Please shoot me back the link if you do so I can share it with the rest of the team.

Thank you so very much,

Sara Wilson, Fresh Air Fund

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shithouse 5K

Name: Shithouse5k: The Shittiest Race in the World!
Type: Just for Fun - Totally Pointless
Description: Shithouse 5k: the Shittiest Race In the World
Saturday, July 25th 2009 @ 6:30 PM

This scenic 5k route starts right on the Mississippi near the sewage treatment plant in La Crosse, WI. It then winds its way through the run down streets of the La Crosse's industrial park. After running through beautiful Riverside Park you come back and finish at the famous Shithouse Flame. If you are looking for a shitty race and a great post race party...La Crosse's very own Shithouse 5k is the race for you. Although this race is dubbed the "Shittiest Race in the World," there will be a couple hundred runners from all over the midwest. In the past times have ranged anywhere from 15 flat to 35 minutes, so everyone will have someone to run with.

The flame may put off a horrible smell, but the competition is anything but shitty...visit

$20 pays for your t-shirt, runner's world race bib, live dj, gatorade, fruit, lodging, party, burgers, brats, catered food, 2 bands, and beer (if you are 21 or older)

if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask. Also, if you have an suggestions on how to make the race any shittier let me know.

Invite everyone you know!!!

This year...

**THE Dan Vogel (devout ETC member) and the band, "The Paragraphs" from Minneapolis will be playing at Houska park following the race.

**Scotty Hayden (UW-L Runner) and Meridene will be performing once again for the post race party.

**New shirt design this year and new awards


It just keeps getting shittier! You don't want to miss it!

Contact Info
Office: 1801 Ferry Street (cariage) (race headquarters)
Location: Joseph Houska Dr. (Houska Park)

Midsummer Night Run Results

A lot of RoadRunenrs took a bus trip down to TO Saturday afternoon to take part in the Midsummer Night Run 30k and 15k. It was a very warm, humid night, but it looks like everyone had fun. Here are the results:


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nancy Chong Wins Yellowknife Marathon

Last weekend Nancy Chong travelled to Yellowknife to check off The Northwest Territories off her quest to run a marathon in every province and territory in Canada. Well not onoy did she complete it, but she won the race, outright, male and females. Her time of 3:31 was 5 minutes a head of the second place finisher.
Way to go Nancy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

1st Annual RoadRunner Golf Tourney

Sunday August 16th at 2:30 will be the start of the 1st annual RoadRunner Golf Tourney. Thanks to Jim Tuttle for all his work on this and hope everyone has a good time. The 4somes are as posted below along with tee off times:

2:30 Jim T., Scott, Adam, Trish
2:40 James, Mr. Stevenson, Janet W., Cindie T.
2:50 Mike T., Terry, Zoe, Anne
3:00 Fred, David R., Lindsay, Patti
3:10 Bill L., Craig, Regina, Bev S.
3:20 Keith, Tom W., Lyndy, Joan
3:30 Glenn S., Brendan, Deb W., Catherine
3:40 Jason, Ron L., Angie, Marie

Friday, August 14, 2009

New RoadRunner Shirts?

Ok so after a few failed attempts at getting an order together for RoadRunner shirts we have something on the go. Thanks to Bill Lovetts leg work, we have some numbers and some idea on which we want to find out what interest there is out there for shirts.

We were approached by an apparrel company from BC who makes technical athletic shirts and have an offer which we find quite reasonable:

What we are looking at is orders for Singlets, Short Sleeve shirts and Long Sleeve shirts. They're will be women's and men's cuts. BUT we need a minimum of 24 orders per style to amke an order, and the more we order the more we save.

Prices are approximate since we do not have a price on shipping yet.

Singlets = $35 50 or more ordered = $30

Short Sleeves = $40 50 or more = $29

Long Sleeves = $42.50 50 or more = $31.50

See the attached file to view an example of what we are looking at.

If you are interested please reply to Bill at with your possible interests.

If we can get our order in by the end of August we can have the shirts by the end of October.

Thank you,


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chicago Rock&Roll Half Marathon Aug2/09

The inaugral Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon was one of the Rock and Roll series and was a big event. 18,000 runners hit the streets of Chicago at 6:30 am running through the down town area crossing the Chicago river 4 times before heading down Michigan Ave and then back along Lake Michigan. A gorgeous fast course finishing in Grant Park with all the perks, good food, concert, and 2 free beer, all before 9:30 in the morning. Oh well, its about the rewards to!
This event featured American Track Star Kara Goucher who finished 1:08. We are trying to do as many in the R&R series as we can this year.This was my 3rd event in and Tracys 2nd.

Wakefield 24/12 hr Ultra &Marathon July 24/09

For Cindy Marcelli, Tracy MacLean and myself, we had never ran a lap style marathon before, let alone in Wakefield MA. This was a great set up from the Lord Wakefield hotel around Lake Quannapowitt 8 times. The 5k lap was perfect for the 24 and 12 hour ultra runners, solo and teams because they all had their support crew and family at every lap. The marathon started 2.2k away from the start line to get the distance.With Boston only 16k down the Interstate, it was a fast and flat local qualifier. The start time at 7pm on Friday night changed each lap as it got darker and actually helped if you were bored with laps, it was dark at some spots, but always runners and spectators around. We had a great time and the race was well organized.

Free counter and web stats